My First Love

A description of how my love life shone for the last time!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Its my 12th day here and for the first time I felt being at home, cozy, comfortable and to my usual self. Though a little lonely but things change for better as I suppose. As I write this listening EC sing

“When I’m sad she comes to me, a thousand smiles she gives to me free”

This line is perhaps the most touching line Hendrix wrote for his most treasured ballad.

Went to the guitar center today to check out a few Stratocasters, tried as many as I could, I liked all of them

Again tried the EC signature series, I played like a dream. Nearly brings tears.

So still confused among these 60th anniversary issue, the American strat, the American deluxe & the Polka Dot Buddy Guy Strat

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Was down for a week with chicken pox :(

but today i got a really nice fatty blues tone, almost near to a strat tone... I enjoyed every bit of it...

I'm attaching pics of my blues driver setting & the amp setting... I'd love if anyone tries this setting & send me his comments...

The wah wah was in between the guitar & the blues driver i.e. guitar -> wah -> blues driver -> amp

beg your pardon, I'm a real bad photographer :-)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Break From The Blues

To me playing the blues was something very natural to me. Pick up a scale, stick to a tempo & simply play the notes for the scale.

Even today, I got the best of the sound (& feeling) from my acoustic while playing a little blues solo in E. But, now I need something that can make me feel easy, for a few days I want to play some easy feeling music, not just those desperate maddening blues solos.

Got an old Don Williams song from a friend. Its so sweet :-)
I suspect it might decay my teeth :-))

For a few days I'd like to listen & learn to play some country music...

Break from blues. Still get a feeling that It just might be a great experiment to mingle the two styles to some extend (if I can)

Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Don Williams - Some Broken Hearts Never Mend

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Just trying to use the upload pic feature

Monday, March 13, 2006


From few days the wah wah is off the hook. Plugged the axe into the amp though the blues driver, it sounds good with a heavy gain on the amp!

Tried new ernie ball strings on my electric, they sound too good. Still I crave more more mid range in the sound. I guess using heavy gauge string might work or a new heavier amp ;-)

As of now, I'd rather try heavy strings.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

1 regret

I should have learned more about music theory...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


This happened on saturday afternoon. As everyone is away celebrating in Tokyo, my home is unusually quite. I was listening to Abida singing Dama Dam Mast Kalandar. I dont know how it appealed to me. Just as that ended I picked up my acoustic.

Strummed C G C G and a bit of D and it was right!

Its hep to play. It peppy, punchy and comes out really nice on a full bodied acoustic rhythm. It was bliss.
Nothing technical about it. Just simple rhythm in three chords.

For while I rediscovered the joy of playing acoustic. I had been messing up with my electric, effects chain, amp etc etc and I had lost the fun of playing guitar.

Its cool. If any guitarist comes across to this blog, I'd request to try it.

The chords are C G & D.
